Archived Newsletters
January 2022 Newsletter
Resident Website is now Live!
Have you checked your slider and window tracks?
2022 Pool Passes Available
We need photos!!
Get ready for some noise
Change is Coming!
Holiday Decorations!
Community Living in a Snapshot
A note from the Community Manager
September 2021 Newsletter
Homeowners’ annual meeting scheduled for Saturday, 10/30/21 at 1PM
ACE Duraflo plumbing info - Owner responsible if instructions not followed
Be sure to stop by to see the beautifully updated clubhouse!!
Have you done any maintenance or repairs to your balconies in the last 3 years?
Are you planning to do any major remodeling?
Did you change out vehicles, sell one or add a new one?
Remember to lock your vehicles
April 2021 Newsletter
Owners - Thank you for returning your solar panel carport ballots!
Entrance gate system is for allowing your guests and visitors in
Important! Vehicle rules that seem to be forgotten quite regularly
Please welcome our new landscape company that starts on Monday!
What are you putting in your garbage disposal??
“More” patio and balcony rule and maintenance reminders
Annual interior plumbing line cleaning project moving along
Overflow parking at electric vehicle stations
Disposal of electronics
No changes to COVID-19 amenity closures “yet” but we are getting closer — hang in there!
March 2021 Newsletter
Owners - Thank you for returning your solar panel ballots but we need more!
Importance of updating ownership records and other vital info
Large household item disposal and wrong items in recycle bin
Everyone deserves peaceful enjoyment of their condo
Patio and balcony rule reminders
Emergency hotline / Archon security / Port Hueneme Police Department
No changes to COVID-19 amenity closures — We will notify you when there are
January/February 2021 Newsletter
Owners - Solar panel ballots in the mail this week! Please return ASAP!
Surfside 1 HOA COVID-19 - masks required while on walkways
Rainy season is here - please help to avoid water damage from rain!
Exterior light fixtures by your front door and patio
Contractor hours for remodeling - water shut off notice required!
HOA “common area” versus “exclusive use common area”
November 2020 Newsletter
No quorum for annual election “Zoom” meeting - New date is 11/26/2020!
Visitor parking updates to help with limited parking
Reserved parking versus visitor parking - all look the same now!
Are you considering having work done in your condo? If so, please read
Balcony railings and decks — Please check regularly for damage
Homeowner’s / renter’s insurance
Surfside 1 HOA COVID-19 — Amenities still closed until further notice
HOA covers termite treatment — Other pests are owner/tenant responsibility
May 2019 Newsletter
Office closed for vacation May 20 - May 24th
Office open this Sat. 5/4 from 9-11 am-please pick up your required pool pass
Electric vehicle charging stations coming to SS1
Approved pool rule change: April 29, 2019
Welcome to our new maintenance staff employee, Tino!
Save the date for a really fun community event: July 14, 2019 – 1-4 pm.
Bikes are being stolen – protect your bikes and valuables!
Patio and balcony rule reminders
Voices carry more than you know – please be considerate of neighbors
November 2018 Newsletter
Office will be closed oct. 29th – nov. 2nd for Dianne’s vacation
Once again another successful annual meeting!
IRS ruling 70-604: passed - 102 yes; 2 no
Wrought iron railing painting project almost completed!
Clifton’s pest control termite contract is through 2019
Your plumbing committee is hard at work!
A fond farewell to a long time owner at Surfside i
Don’t forget to vote on November 6th!!
Happy thanksgiving!!