March 2021 Newsletter

Standard On-Site Office Hours: CLOSED DUE TO COVID-19


In an emergency, please dial 911.


For general HOA maintenance & after-hours HOA maintenance emergencies, contact: ABC-Builds at 1-877-600-4940


Centralized DirectTV System: 1 (800) 801-1145

On Site

Next Board Meeting

March 22nd at 7 PM via Zoom.

Community Property Management

Owners - Thank you for returning your solar panel ballots but we need more!

We are so excited about the response to the solar panel carport ballots that were sent out in February! We  received so many shortly after they went out but they are coming in more slowly now and we still need several  more to reach our quorum! If you have not yet sent your ballot in, please return it ASAP and if you didn’t  receive yours, please contact Dianne in the office to have a new one sent to you. As mentioned in previous  newsletters and board meetings, we need to hear from at least 75% of the owners with a “YES” vote for the  board to be able to continue their investigation into this project so it’s imperative that you read the  information enclosed with the ballot and then vote and return ASAP. If you have any questions before you  can make an informed decision, please email or call the office and someone from the board will get back to  you. A stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed to make it even easier for returning the ballot and please don’t forget to sign the outside envelope or your vote won’t count!  

Importance of updating ownership records and other vital info

While going through the ballot process, we realized that we do not have the correct ownership paperwork on  file for some of the condos. We are always notified if the condo is sold and there is a new owner but if the  condo isn’t sold and remains in the same family after a death or divorce, the ownership typically changes. Please be sure to notify the office whenever there is any change of ownership due to a death, divorce  or for any other reason and then we will need a copy of the new Deed of Trust. If the condo is in a Living Trust and you are a part of that trust when the primary owner changes, we will just need a copy of the Trust  in our files. We have also found many outdated phone numbers while trying to call owners about their ballots  so please always update the office when a phone number or email address changes. If in doubt, please just  send a new “owner registration form” so that we do have all current information.  

Large household item disposal and wrong items in recycle bin

There have been many large household items dumped in the HOA dumpsters and this is against the Rules  and Regs and has an immediate $100 fine. This is very costly to the owners when the HOA has to pay to have  these items disposed of so please dispose of them properly. The city of PH does special pick-ups for  household items on Thursdays so if you have a large item(s), please call the Solid Waste Dept. at 805-986- 6650 to schedule the pick-up and get a price of what it will cost. Then you need to notify the office so that we  can add this amount to the owner’s HOA assessment. If you are the tenant, you will need to notify your  landlord about this charge. These items need to be placed by the brick wall on the back of the property no  earlier than a night or two prior to the pickup date.

Please be careful which dumpster you put your garbage in! We are billed $100+ extra almost every month for a violation of what is placed in the recycle bin. Only certain things can go in recycle dumpsters so please read the items listed on the exterior of the recycle bin to be sure that’s all you are placing in there.

Also, when taking your garbage to the dumpster, please PICK UP THE  GARBAGE BAG rather than dragging it on the walkway. Our maintenance staff is continually having to  pressure wash the walkways to get rid of the stains from garbage bags being dragged and liquids spill out.

Everyone deserves peaceful enjoyment of their condo

If you find that a neighbor is causing you to not have reasonable “peaceful enjoyment of your condo”, please  try to work it out peacefully and tactfully with your neighbor before coming to the HOA with a complaint.  Most neighbors are reasonable and do not realize until you tell them that they are walking too heavily, that  they are playing their music or TV too loudly, etc. Voices really carry between condos as well, especially while  sitting on the patios or balconies. Please try to handle your issues with your neighbor first but if that does  not work or you aren’t comfortable with approaching your neighbor, you can notify the office IN WRITING so  they can address it with your neighbor. Or you can fill out a violation complaint form and turn it into the  office and then a violation letter will be sent to the owner of the condo along with the tenants. Please always go through your landlord for these issues or at least copy them on your email to the office as they need to be  involved. We can then take the proper procedures to try to resolve the issue. If you are the person living  upstairs, please do try to take “noisy” shoes off when entering your condo. If you have a dog or child that runs  back and forth on the floor or up and down the stairs, please know that the noise carries immensely to the  lower units so they need to do their running outside. But as a lower floor resident, please remember that it’s  normal to hear some noises from the condos above you – that’s just a part of being on the ground floor. We all  live in very close quarters so please always try to be considerate of the people who live around you. Of course,  for extreme noise like late night partying, music, etc., please call Archon Security at 1-800-274-5757 and they  will arrive to ask the residents to be quiet. Quiet time is typically 10 PM – 8 AM but of course we know that  some people’s work schedules don’t allow for total quiet during those hours but please try to do your best.  

Patio and balcony rule reminders

I know this is a repeat article but there are lots of new tenants and owners moving in, so it’s always a good  reminder. ☺ Now that we are getting close to spring and starting to have lots of good weather, here are just a  few reminders for your patios and balconies. Only professional outdoor patio furniture is allowed so please do  not use your indoor chairs, tables, etc. unless it’s just for the time you plan to be on your patio/balcony. If  you use a patio umbrella, it must be brought inside (or laid down on the patio) once you are done using it,  along with ice chests, folding chairs, towels, etc. You can store up to two surfboards but they must be laying  down across the balcony so as not to block the view of your neighbors. Bicycles are not allowed on  patios/balconies at any time. All planters must be kept on risers so that they are not sitting directly on the  wood deck and they should not be growing above your balcony railings so that they are blocking your  neighbors view of the ocean. No brooms, mops, cleaning supplies, fertilizer, etc. can be stored there either. Basically, if it’s not listed as an “approved” item, it is not allowed. Pets are not allowed to be left on the patio when the resident is not home to monitor them and at NO TIME are pets allowed to use the patio area for  their “restroom”. Please refer to the “Balcony Rules” in your Rules and Regs so that you are aware of ALL of  the rules for the balconies and patios. Also it’s imperative that all owners refer to the BALCONY  MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS as it is your responsibility to maintain your own balcony deck and report any  concerns with your balcony railings to the office.  

Emergency hotline / Archon security / Port Hueneme Police Department

Occasionally there is some confusion about whom to call for HOA issues or emergencies so here is a little  clarification. The HOA Emergency MAINTENANCE Hotline is available 24 hours per day and this is for HOA  maintenance issues or emergencies only, i.e., plumbing leaks, toilet overflowing, landscape sprinkler head is broken and spouting water, entrance gate not working, etc. But if it’s something simple like your toilet  running constantly or your garbage disposal isn’t working properly, these are owner issues so please call your  own plumber or landlord. If in doubt, feel free to call the HOTLINE and they will direct you. Archon  Security is contracted to work for SSI during the hours of 7:30 PM – 4:30 AM, in which they make three  random rounds through the property each night, walking and driving. They will also come out for basic  issues such as loud music or parties, suspicious people on the property, vagrant loitering, people in the pool  after hours, etc. during those hours only. Please call 911 or the PH non-emergency line (805-986-6538)  for all other issues and/or during the hours of 4:30 AM – 7:30 PM. Please check with the office if you  have any questions.  

No changes to COVID-19 amenity closures — We will notify you when there are

Stay home — Wear a mask — Save lives — Stop the spread — Stay safe


April 2021 Newsletter


January/February 2021 Newsletter