September 2021 Newsletter

Standard On-Site Office Hours: 9AM - 5PM (PST) Monday, Tuesday & Thursday, closed for lunch.


In an emergency, please dial 911.


For general HOA maintenance & after-hours HOA maintenance emergencies, contact: ABC-Builds at 1-877-600-4940


Centralized DirectTV System: 1 (800) 801-1145

On Site

Next Board Meeting

September 20th at 7 PM, via Zoom. Hybrid meetings on hold.

Community Property Management

Homeowners’ annual meeting scheduled for Saturday, 10/30/21 at 1PM

It’s almost that time again for our annual homeowners’ meeting/election and we were hoping to hold a HYBRID meeting in the newly decorated clubhouse but at this point it’s still up in the air as to how it will be held. Based on how things are going with the virus at this point and the Board’s desire to keep all owners safe, it will more than likely be a ZOOM meeting. Last year we changed it to a Monday night since it was by ZOOM but we had very little participation and did not meet our quorum. We would love to see a large turnout like we used to have when it was in person so we plan to keep it on a Saturday afternoon if this will make it easier for everyone to join in, even if it is by ZOOM only. When we get closer to the meeting date, the board will determine what the safest format will be and you will be notified right away.

Ballots for the election will be mailed out at the end of this month so please watch for the ballot envelope in your mail about the first part of October and then please fill it out, per the instructions, and mail it back as quickly as possible.

We must have a quorum of returned ballots (103 ballots!) prior to the annual meeting or it cannot be held so it’s imperative that you send your ballot in and the sooner the better.

PLEASE read all of the directions before sealing up the envelope and then return your ballot ASAP after returning it. One of the items that gets missed the most is the signature on the outside of the envelope; one of the owners MUST sign the outside envelope before returning it or your vote is not counted so PLEASE remember to sign your envelope. Since we didn’t receive a quorum last year, the ballots weren’t able to be opened and we don’t want that to happen again; please help us make sure we get our quorum this year!

Many important items will be presented at the meeting, including the projects that have been completed in the past year and the ones that are in the works for 2022. Besides getting to meet your board members, including any new ones, this will give you an opportunity to say goodbye to the current long time board members, President Lynn Buck and Treasurer Kathleen Gavin, who have been on the board for 9 years and will not be continuing on the board after this annual meeting. And you’ll be able to say goodbye to Dianne Ramirez since she will be retiring by early to mid-December after 11 years of being in the office. Lots of changes but change can be good and you will definitely be left in good hands!

ACE Duraflo plumbing info - Owner responsible if instructions not followed

For those owners who purchased after 2003, you may not know that the ACE Duraflo company was used in 2003 to repair the pin hole leaks in our water source lines inside of each condo. They informed us at that time that in order to preserve the epoxy lining work that was done to the pipes, the owners are required to maintain the water temperature on their hot water tanks at 125 degrees or less. Additionally, the pipes MUST NOT BE SOLDERED or this will melt the internal lining on the pipes that was part of the Duraflo work done in 2003 to coat the inside of the walls of the source lines. This work was guaranteed for 10 years but can last up to 50-75 years if proper care is taken. Please help us maintain the work done on our lines by ACE Duraflo by verifying that the temperature setting on your water heater is set NO HIGHER THAN 125 degrees. If you have any work done on your interior water source lines, please make sure your plumber uses an alternative solution to soldering. Donlon Plumbing is trained to work with the Ace Duraflo lining so please call them unless you confirm that any other plumber you contact knows how to work with lines that have been treated with this same process. If you have a tenant in your condo, please confirm with them about the temperature setting on your hot water tank. Please contact the office if you have any questions.

As the owner, you are responsible for following these instructions or you may be held responsible for any repairs to the lines. An official email will go out besides this newsletter requiring all owners to respond that they understand their responsibility with these plumbing lines. Thank you for your support on this important matter so that we can hopefully make this work last for many more years!

Be sure to stop by to see the beautifully updated clubhouse!!

Our newest board member, George Romanko, volunteered to design a more pleasant and functional clubhouse and wow, he did not disappoint. We have received many compliments from the few residents and owners who have stopped by since the majority of it was done and we keep hearing how it looks so “inviting and friendly” now. Fortunately the budget was there to do this now and he did a great job; thank you George for all of the hard work you put into picking each item out, ordering them and then putting everything together once they arrived! Thanks also to your helpers Thomas and Phil and to the maintenance staff for painting the clubhouse. The goal is to eventually have the clubhouse usable for the residents during set hours so they can just come in to read a book, play ping pong or pool or maybe even have a movie night! It’s a work in progress for being able to make it usable for the residents to enter with their gate card during set hours but you will certainly be notified when this happens. The clubhouse is not available for rental at this time while the updates are being completed and the rental rules are being updated plus it’s not yet safe due to COVID. Hopefully after the first of the year, it will become available.

Have you done any maintenance or repairs to your balconies in the last 3 years?

As all owners should know, you are responsible for all maintenance to your balconies. The balcony maintenance requirements are sent out regularly and hopefully all of you are following up on these maintenance items. If your condo is rented out, you are responsible for making sure your tenant is following all of the balcony rules so that items aren’t placed on the balconies that could damage the wood decking. The HOA is responsible for all substructure damage below the balcony deck but if the owner has not maintained their balcony decks, per the written requirements, the owner could be held responsible for any substructure damage. Please make sure that you notify the office IN WRITING each time you do maintenance or repairs to your balconies. If you hire someone to do this work, please send a copy of the invoice from the contractor but if you apply a deck coating yourself, you can just send a copy of the invoice for the deck coating so that we can put these invoices in your file. If the office has the proof in your file that you maintained your balcony, then there should be no question about that you are not responsible for any substructure issues. Several owners received notice about necessary work that needed to be done after the engineer inspected all balconies so please follow up with an invoice to the office once this required work has been completed. Our goal is to make sure that all of our owners and residents are safe when enjoying their balconies and when using our walkways and stairs to go to and from your condos.

Are you planning to do any major remodeling?

We want to remind all owners that if you plan to do any major remodeling where you are removing drywall, please notify the office so that our maintenance staff can check for any damage inside the walls, including plumbing lines that might need to be replaced. Many condos have sold recently and most of those new owners have been remodeling so this was the perfect time for our staff to check their units and we would really like to have this opportunity for each condo that is remodeled. Also, if you plan to sell your unit, please notify the office so that our staff can check for any items that the HOA might need to repair or replace prior to it going on the market; I.e. balcony railing or fascia board. And just a reminder that if you do sell, we are under contract with Allguard Pest Control and they will do the required termite inspection for free. The HOA treats termites inside and outside of all condos but owners are responsible for all other pests; Allguard gives a great discount for treating these other pests.

Did you change out vehicles, sell one or add a new one?

The office staff is finding many vehicles in the parking lot without parking passes and occasionally it’s just a guest for the day but most often it’s not. Many times it’s a resident who purchased a new vehicle or has a long term guest staying with them but they did not notify the office. Per the Rules and Regs, all vehicles belonging to residents or their guests staying 3 nights or longer must be registered in the office. Please always contact the office right away if you sell or acquire a vehicle or have a long-term guest. Also, if you hire contractors to work on your place for more than a week, they will need a guest pass.

Remember to lock your vehicles

I wanted to remind everyone about the importance of locking your vehicles each and every time you get out of it. We have not had any reports in several months of items being stolen from a vehicle on the property, but I had two reports on Tuesday morning about two unlocked vehicles being ransacked over the holiday weekend. Fortunately neither vehicle had important or expensive items in them so nothing major was stolen but the vehicles were definitely a mess from someone going through everything in the vehicle to try to find something they wanted. Please never leave anything of importance in your vehicle or at least in view from someone looking in and then lock it up as you walk away. Just because there's nothing of importance in sight, it doesn't mean someone won't try to look for something if your vehicle is unlocked. The police officers let us know at Neighborhood Watch meetings in the past that criminals will just walk down a row of vehicles and try door handles because they know that eventually they will find unlocked ones; please don't make it easy on the criminals!

Stay safe — Wear your masks — Get vaccinated


October 2021 Newsletter


August 2021 Newsletter