Balcony Maintenance
Owners are responsible for maintaining their balconies.
We have listed two decking contractors below that we are HIGHLY RECOMMENDING that you call for balcony maintance and repair. If you choose to use another licensed/insured contractor, please notify the office so that we can explain the procedure to them. Balcony repairs are the responsibility of the owner and the contractors will provide an estimate when they inspect your balcony. This work does require a building permit from the city of Port Hueneme.
Once you have called and scheduled this project with the contractor, please complete the Architectural Modification Request form and return it to the office. Once your balcony(s) have been completed, please provide the office with a copy of the invoice so that this can be included in your file. Please review the Balcony Maintenance Requirements below for information about how to care for your balconies once the work is done.
GenHawk Construction | 805-639-8930
Monreal Construction | 805-217-2964
Balcony Maintenance Requirements
The following balcony maintenance rules/requirements were approved at the January 16, 2017 board meeting to define in detail what maintenance is required by the owners for their own balconies and patios. This maintenance is required to keep repair and replacement costs to a minimum:
Report any issues or concerns with your balcony to the office immediately. Issues may include, ‘soft’ spots, leaks, corrosion, bubbles, cracks etc.
Plants/planters cannot be placed directly on the wood deck surface. Do not over water plants.
Approved storage bins cannot sit directly on deck. air must be allowed to flow under all solid surfaces. this promotes drying.
Balcony must be kept clean and free of debris, including drains. use only mild detergents and control any runoff.
Outdoor deck coatings must be applied a minimum of every 3 years or as directed by the coating manufacturer. Deck surfaces to be coated shall include any exposed flashing. Approved exterior waterproofing manufacturers include super deck, pacific polymers, tufflex, carlisle or any of equal quality. Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations. The office has a list of contractors who perform deck waterproofing. Notify the office in writing when this has been done.
No carpeting or tile is allowed on the deck surface. All decks currently having tile on them are the sole responsibility of the owner. Any decks currently having carpeting on them must remove carpeting immediately.
Nothing is allowed to be placed on balcony railings.
All decks shall slope positively to drain away from buildings.
When replacing sliding doors install new door pans on upper floor doors.