September 2022 Newsletter

Annual Membership Meeting

The Annual Membership Meeting will be held on October 24, 2022 and the Election Meeting will be held separately this year in order to meet Election Rules timeline requirements. The Membership meeting will be on October 24, 2022. We will be discussing current and future projects as well as going over the 2023 Budget so please mark your calendar now. The Election meeting will be held on February 27, 2023. Don Buck, Lynn Buck and Jesse Zapata will be serving as Inspectors of Elections. Owner/Members, please watch your emails toward the end of the month for the first of a few required mailings-the Nomination application. If you’re interested in serving on the Board and being an integral part of decision making for the community, please submit your application as soon as you can.

Gate key swap

I wanted to thank those of you who understand how tedious this task is and the patience you’ve shown as we work through it together. The process can go much more smoothly if you have the form completed (one per household) in its entirety when you come in the office. It’s important that we confirm all the devices assigned to your unit as part of this process.

A gentle reminder a card is a no cost swap. A dual purpose remote is nonrefundable fee of $35. If you choose the dual purpose remote, it would be helpful if you could bring in a check or money order (no cash please) made payable to Surfside 1

If your unit is a rental, either the owner or the rental agent will need to complete and sign before your tenant(s) can do the key swap. Please establish who will pay that fee before the tenant comes in to the office.

You asked - we listened!

We now have a resident wifi. If the one in your home is not being cooperative, you can now come to the clubhouse and we will provide you with the log in. Please remember I’ll still need to conduct business so bring personal listening devices with you.


In case you haven’t noticed, we now have three full time maintenance persons on our team. Luis has been here for a few years, but Jose and Ivan are welcome additions. Please feel free to introduce yourselves to them but remember any work requests should be reported to the office.

Surfside 1 resident website

I’ve had a few recent phone calls about confusion with the CPM sponsored website. The “Contact Us” portion is very misleading. First, that site is more to review your account information (billing/payments/balances) and documents because CPM handles the financial part of the management only. I’ve reached out to CPM IT department to see if this information can be corrected. If you’d like information more specific to community living, one of our very own, Shannon Beagin, developed a website for residents. If you haven’t visited it yet, I strongly encourage you to do so.

How water restrictions affect maintenance

As each of you know, we’re under a mandatory water restriction. What you may not know is this affects our ability to perform regular maintenance duties like cleaning walkways or trash enclosures in a timely manner. The team is working their way through the community to clean handrails and walkways however this is going to take a bit more time than normal without the use of the pressure washer. The trash enclosures are being checked regularly but again, without the ability to use the pressure washer, cleaning them are as take a bit more time. A few things you can do to help:

  1. make sure your trash bags are tied tightly and make it in the containers

  2. do NOT feed animals outside your home-especially birds! While this may seem altruistic, it’s against the rules AND they’re making a mess of the handrails.

A note from the Community Manager

It’s been a busy week so this months newsletter is a bit shorter than normal but I hope you find it just as informative. The promotion ceremony for my son last week was wonderful. A parents greatest joy is seeing their children successful and happy.

As a reminder, the office will be closed next week while I am away on vacation. Dianne Ramirez has graciously agreed to answer emergency calls but will not be coming in to the office for any administrative needs. Those can be addressed when I return on the 19th. If you have an HOA related emergency, please call 805-488-3304 x 2. As much as I’ m sure you’d love to hear her voice, please don’t call the emergency line just to say hi :)

Warm Regards,


October 2022 Newsletter


August 2022 Newsletter