August 2022 Newsletter
After hours HOA related emergency? Call 805-488-3302 x 2
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Pool use reminders
Summer is here and typical to most communities that have pools, we’re having issues. There have been multiple complaints about the noise levels at both pools. It’s exciting especially for our younger residents to be able to swim and play but please do your best to make sure they’re doing so in a way that won’t disturb those who live near or around the pool. If you bring a device to listen to music while you’re there, you also need to have a personal listening device. Reminder the number of allowable guests is four (4) per household.
If you see anyone in violation of the pool rules, please call Archon at 800-274-5717
Dispatch will be able to determine which unit they live in, or if they are trespassing, Archon can issue a warning.
Do you have the right insurance?
Each year when the master policy expires, your lender may request proof of master policy insurance. While we have documents in the office, what you will need to give them specifically names you and your address on what’s called a certificate of insurance. To obtain these, please go to As an aside, the worst time to find out you don’t have proper coverage is in the middle of a claim! The master policy has specific exclusions that are disclosed each year as part of the budget package. Two important takeaways is make sure you have personal policy to cover those excluded items, and make sure your policy includes something commonly referred to as gap insurance. When you file a claim against the master policy, you would be responsible to pay the deductible of $10,000.00
Carports are coming
Due to changes in the incentives in solar payback and offset of construction costs as well as falling just short of membership approval, the Board unanimously voted to discard the solar initiative and move forward with carport replacement. Know that we will work diligently to get this project started soon.
Thank you Tasha!
We would like to extend a special THANK YOU to Tasha and her daughters for expanding our library collection for young readers. If you have books for young readers you would like to donate, we will gladly accept them.
We love critters, however…
Recently we’ve received reports that skunks have been wandering the neighborhood. There’s no indication they’ve made a home somewhere on property however there has been mention on several social media sites that a “family” of skunks has been seen on the dunes across the street. Please make sure if you have pets that you feed them indoors only or do not leave their food out on the patio/balcony. There’s also been an issue with someone tossing bread on the turf area for the birds. While this may seem like an altruistic effort, please understand this also attracts other hungry critters such as ants, rats and yes, skunks. Let’s all do our best to keep pests away from the buildings.
We bid you well
A you may know, Lynn Buck served as Landscape Chair for over ten years and in most part on her own. At the meeting on August 4 Lynn tendered her resignation. She expressed much of what she set out to accomplish when she took on this responsibility has been accomplished - buildings cleared of root intruding plants, old tired shrubs have been replaced, a majority of the planters in front of the homes have been upgraded......She worked hard to get us to this spot so please thank her for all she’s done. Due to the expertise our current landscape company provides and the confidence Lynn expressed in the job they’re doing, the Board voted to dissolve the Landscape Committee. If you see an area that needs attention, evidence of broken sprinklers, etc.... please call or email me. It takes a village they say. Each of you are part of the village.
Volunteer needed
Attached please find the new Election Rules for the HOA approved at the August 4 meeting. Don and Lynn Buck have volunteered to serve as Inspector of Elections however we still need one more volunteer from the community to assist. Although the duties are included in the Election Rules materials, here are the most important qualifications:
Must be someone who is not currently serving on the Board
Must be someone who is not related to or living with someone serving on the Board
Must be someone who is not a candidate for current year elections.
It’s important we get another volunteer from the community so we can set a date for the Annual Membership Meeting and Election of Officers. Without the legally required number of volunteers, we will be forced to pay a third party company thousands of dollars to perform this task. If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact by phone or email as soon as possible.
Community living in a snapshot
While the Board of Directors will be working on updating the rules to better fit the needs of the community, below are a few common courtesy issues and/or safety issues:
For obvious safety reasons, the vehicular exit gate is to be used ONLY as an exit gate unless it’s been marked for entry/exit by the on site team.
Another issue is not following the marked traffic patterns. Yellow arrows are painted on the roundabout parking for a reason. Please make sure you adhere to them even if it adds 3-5 seconds to your ability to park and/or leave. Because we take safety very seriously, all these WILL result in fines !
Please do not park in reserved spaces that aren’t assigned to your unit. Whether your neighbor is a “weekender” or “out of town”, without their express permission to park there, your vehicle CAN be towed and it will be at your expense.
In most cases, it’s owner responsibility to complete minor plumbing repairs. If your shutoff under the fixture is not working properly and you need to shut off the main, it will affect your neighbors. Please make sure you notify everyone directly next to/above/below you at least 24 hours in advance for non-emergency repairs!
Flushable wipes are not flushable. If you use them, please do not flush them because even if they don’t clog your plumbing, it can and will cause and issue for your neighbors.
If pets are an integral part of your family, please keep them safe by making sure they are not left on a patio or balcony unattended. This is especially important for those units with patios or balconies that face a sidewalk.
Now that sunny days are upon us, more people will be using their patios and balcony areas. As a gentle reminder, here are a few of the more common issues:
Only furniture designed for outdoor use is permitted. Items such as coolers, folding “camping style” chairs, tables designed for indoor use, etc. should be promptly moved inside when you’re no longer on your patio/balcony.
Storage of any kind is not permitted—mops and/or brooms, bicycles, fishing poles, empty planters to name just a few.
Pets cannot be left outside when you’re not home to monitor them and at NO TIME are pets allowed to use the patio area for their “restroom”.
Smoking is NOT permitted on patios or balconies.
Please do not hang beach towels or wetsuits over the patio or balcony railing to dry!
A note from the community manager
You may have noticed two paths have been created in the planters next to the entry gate. These are for residents to use to safely cross the driveway when exiting the pedestrian gate. A striping machine is on order and once it arrives a cross path will be painted as well. I’m thrilled to drive in and see people using the paths already even though they’re not completed.
We’re really close to transitioning away from the gold gate keys. Please watch emails for exciting and important news! For those who have/use remotes at the entry gate, the receiver antenna is on the call box so if you point the remote at the gate, it more likely will not receive the transmission. A few residents have discovered that was the issue with theirs “not working”.
More windows and sliders are open which means more sound is traveling throughout the community. Please keep noise levels from TVs, stereos, pets, and even humans at a level that won’t disturb your neighbors. If you live on the second floor, be mindful that a heavy foot and running or jumping can more likely be heard downstairs.
Two office closures coming soon.....
My Marine Corp son recently received a promotion to Gunnery Sergeant. I have been invited to “pin” his promotion during the ceremony and Board graciously agreed to let me be a part of this incredible honor. The office will be closed from August 31 to September 5. I will still have access to emails and phone messages but please be patient if I’m unable to answer right away as I will literally be on the other side of the country during this time. The office will also be closed while I am out of the country from September 10-17 while I am on vacation. For HOA related emergencies, please call 805-488-3304 x 2
The next General Session meeting is August 22, 2022 at 7 pm. If you’ve already registered, it should be a simple click to enter the meeting. These meetings are for owner/members of the association only. Please do not share the link with non owners.
Warm Regards,
Dawn Cooper