May 2022 Newsletter
New emergency call phone number
We will be implementing a new phone system soon. It’s not only a more cost effective plan but will include changes to how you make emergency calls. Effective June 1, 2022, all you have to do is dial the office number at 805-488-3304 and press 2. You will be connected to one of our on call team members or it will allow you to leave a message for us to return your call. If you’re prompted to leave a message, please leave your name, property address and the nature of the emergency. We look forward to providing more budget friendly opportunities but also ways to better serve YOU, the owners and residents.
Speeding on Surfside Drive
I was made aware and have even witnessed the careless drivers/speeders on the public portion of Surfside Drive. I reached out to PHPD Chief Salinas and he advised past studies of street traffic have not warranted more stringent measures but they plan to install speed humps/bumps in the foreseeable future. He encourages residents who witness careless/reckless driving call the non emergency number right away. If you’re not able to call while it’s happening, please do so as soon as you can. Please provide the date, time and vehicle description (no license required) and of course, the reckless behavior - whatever it may have been. For the safety of our residents as well as the entire community of beach goers, let’s get the message out to these inconsiderate drivers that it’s not ok.
Card readers upgrade
The Board recently approved card reader installation on the perimeter fence pedestrian gates.
As part of the process, the current reader system will be upgraded as well. What this means is we will need to confirm any card numbers you have to avoid conflict once the system is integrated. Please send me a quick email (include your address) with the five digit number that starts with 0 on the edge opposite the hole for each card you have.
Let's talk trash
You may not have noticed but we recently requested the city swap all the trash and recycle containers because of the awful smell. Please make sure your trash bags are tightly secured before placing them in the can. This will help prevent noxious smells “sticking” to the container even after it’s emptied.
California is in a drought
Last month we published some helpful hints about water waste due to one of our buildings showing usage THREE TIMES the normal for that building. A number of units were noted as needing repairs to the fixtures. With record low rainfall this spring throughout the state, recently the City of Port Hueneme announced we are in Level 2 water conservation measure so it’s even more important each of us does our part.
Here’s what we’re doing:
The maintenance team will be doing an inspection of all the exterior spigots throughout the community for leaks or drips.
The landscape crew is here on Tuesdays and Wednesdays testing the irrigation system however they may not “see it all”. If you see puddles on the sidewalk or hear/see what sounds like a geyser, please report it to the office right away.
Here’s what you can do:
Check all your faucets not only for drips, but turn them on and make sure they aren’t leaking at the base.
Make sure your shower/tub fixtures shut off water flow without extra tightening.
Plants to water? Consider “recycling” your cooking water.
Ground floor units, please check your outdoor spigot to make sure it’s not leaking.
The biggest culprit for water waste——Check both toilets for flowing water. There are several mechanisms inside the tank designed to fill it. A quick test is put a colored liquid in your tank and watch for changes in either the tank or the bowl.
Thanks in advance for working together!
Community living in a snapshot
While the Board of Directors will be working on updating the rules to better fit the needs of the community, below are a few common courtesy issues and/or safety issues:
For obvious safety reasons, the vehicular exit gate is to be used ONLY as an exit gate unless it’s been marked for entry/exit by the on site team.
Another issue is not following the marked traffic patterns. Yellow arrows are painted on the roundabout parking for a reason. Please make sure you adhere to them even if it adds 3-5 seconds to your ability to park and/or leave. Because we take safety very seriously, all these WILL result in fines !
Please do not park in reserved spaces that aren’t assigned to your unit. Whether your neighbor is a “weekender” or “out of town”, without their express permission to park there, your vehicle CAN be towed and it will be at your expense.
In most cases, it’s owner responsibility to complete minor plumbing repairs. If your shutoff under the fixture is not working properly and you need to shut off the main, it will affect your neighbors. Please make sure you notify everyone directly next to/above/below you at least 24 hours in advance for non-emergency repairs!
Doing some interior remodeling? Remember it is your responsibility to make sure the contractor cleans up any mess they make outside your front door before they leave for the day. Because this has been such an issue over the past several months, any mess left overnight will be cleaned by our on site maintenance team in the morning and you will be charged for it.
Flushable wipes are not flushable. If you use them, please do not flush them because even if they don’t clog your plumbing, it can and will cause and issue for your neighbors.
If pets are an integral part of your family, please keep them safe by making sure they are not left on a patio or balcony unattended. This is especially important for those units with patios or balconies that face a sidewalk.
Now that sunny days are upon us, more people will be using their patios and balcony areas. As a gentle reminder, here are a few of the more common issues:
Only furniture designed for outdoor use is permitted. Items such as coolers, folding “camping style” chairs, tables designed for indoor use, etc. should be promptly moved inside when you’re no longer on your patio/balcony.
Storage of any kind is not permitted—mops and/or brooms, bicycles, fishing poles, empty planters to name just a few.
Pets cannot be left outside when you’re not home to monitor them and at NO TIME are pets allowed to use the patio area for their “restroom”.
Smoking is NOT permitted on patios or balconies.
A note from the community manager
A HUGE THANK YOU to each of you who respond so quickly to an email request to address an issue found with your unit during a site review. By taking care of these requests (and letting me know you did), it alleviates having to take the next step of the official notice.
Recently the pool heater and filter tank was replaced at the east pool and soon it will be closed for about a day or two while the deck repairs are completed. Now all we have to do is invite some sunny days!
A reminder that perimeter fence painting is scheduled to start on May 16 While on property, they will also be painting patio and balcony rails that need touch up.
We’re hoping that by the time the fence is completed , we will be ready for the new card reader installation on all the perimeter gates. Please don’t forgot to email me any card numbers you or your tenants have so we can prevent any conflict issues once the system is merged.
If you stop by during office hours and I’m not in, please feel free to wait in the clubhouse or call the office and leave a message that you need to see me. I walk the community frequently during the day but would like to make sure you receive the attention you deserve.
Owners, the next General Session meeting is May 23, 2022 at 7 pm. This month you will have the option of attending in person at the clubhouse or via Zoom. Your feedback is incredibly important on this. If members find it more convenient to use Zoom, that will certainly be taken in to consideration going forward. Please don’t forget to register as soon as you get the link if you plan on attending via Zoom!
Warm Regards,
Dawn Cooper