April 2022 Newsletter
Please verify who you provide access to
If the entry gate calls your phone, please make sure you know who it is you’re providing access to. Recently one of the residents reported someone was at the entry gate dialing random codes because the person they were coming to visit wasn’t answering. While this may have been true, it also may not have been.
2022 Pool Passes
Typical for this time of year, none of us are sure if we should leave the house in boots or sandals so a majority of you have yet to pick up your 2022 pool pass. Please stop by so when the time does come, you’re ready for swimming in the sunshine!
Speaking of the pool…
If you suspect that all that noise at the pool is coming from people who do not live here. rather than confront them directly, please contact the office if it’s during office hours or Archon Protection when the office is closed. Their number is published on every newsletter but it may be a good idea to program it in to your phone.
Lost & Found
We all misplace something and think it’s gone forever but did you know we have a lost and found? After hours, most items can be placed in the drop box next to the office/clubhouse door. If you’ve lost something, please check with us. A resident recently found a beautiful neck-lace in the east pool area.
Water Waste
Below are the most common ways water is wasted every day: If your toilet is mysteriously flushing on its own, you probably have a worn flapper or flush valve. You’d be surprised how much water this wastes in a single day. If this is happening inside your unit, please get it repaired right away. Irrigation issues are on the list too. The new landscape crew is working diligently to check the entire system but if you see puddles of water on the sidewalk or driveway area or you hear what sounds like a geyser of water, please let the office know so we can have them address it. Even though you don’t pay the bill directly, water usage and waste affects your dues.
Pedestrian Gates
We’re still in information gathering stage for adding access control to the gates on the perimeter fence so we had the old locks moved to the new fence. When this happened, a number of people were having trouble with their keys and in multiple locations. Each of the locks were serviced yesterday so you shouldn’t have issues at any of the gates. If you do, please reach out.
General Session Meetings
If you plan to attend (we hope you do!), please register as soon as you receive the link. Management will not be checking phone calls or emails after 5pm the day of the meeting, so last minute requests go unseen until the following day.
Help us help you
If you would like to file a complaint, please remember in order for management to take any action, the complaint must be in writing. Forms are available, however a simple email will suffice if you include the following:
Your name & property address (anonymous complaints are rejected)
Address of person you’re filing a complaint against
Nature of the complaint and when it occurred
Bike Racks
If you choose to use the bike racks anywhere in the community, please understand you do so at your own risk. What we found is of the bikes that were recently stolen, each was secured to the racks with cable locks which are very easily cut. If you’re using any of the bike racks, please consider purchasing a U lock. While they may not be as convenient to use, they’re definitely more secure.
Community Living in a Snapshot
While the Board of Directors will be working on updating the rules to better fit the needs of the community, below are a few common courtesy issues and/or safety issues that have come up recently and most are parking related:
For obvious safety reasons, the vehicular exit gate is to be used ONLY as an exit gate! Accosting drivers who are exiting to allow access is dangerous and for a number of reasons. Further, tampering with the gate is strictly prohibited.
Another issue is not following the marked traffic patterns. Yellow arrows are painted on the roundabout parking for a reason. Please make sure you adhere to them even if it adds 3-5 seconds to your ability to park and/or leave. Because we take safety very seriously, all these WILL result in fines !
Please do not park in reserved spaces that aren’t assigned to your unit. Whether your neighbor is a “weekender” or “out of town”, without their express permission to park there, your vehicle CAN be towed and it will be at your expense.
In most cases, it’s owner responsibility to complete minor plumbing repairs. If your shutoff under the fixture is not working properly and you need to shut off the main, it will affect your neighbors. Please make sure you notify everyone directly next to/above/below you at least 24 hours in advance for non-emergency repairs!
Doing some interior remodeling? Remember it is your responsibility to make sure the contractor cleans up any mess they make outside your front door before they leave for the day. Because this has been such an issue over the past several months, any mess left overnight will be cleaned by our on site maintenance team in the morning and you will be charged for it.
Flushable wipes are not flushable. If you use them, please do not flush them because even if they don’t clog your plumbing, it can and will cause and issue for your neighbors.
If pets are an integral part of your family, please keep them safe by making sure they are not left on a patio or balcony unattended.
Now that sunny days are upon us, more people will be using their patios and balcony areas. As a gentle reminder, here are a few of the more common issues:
Only furniture designed for outdoor use is permitted. Items such as coolers, folding “camping style” chairs, tables designed for indoor use, etc. should be promptly moved inside when you’re no longer on your patio/balcony.
Storage of any kind is not permitted—mops and/or brooms, bicycles, fishing poles, empty planters to name just a few.
Pets cannot be left outside when you’re not home to monitor them and at NO TIME are pets allowed to use the patio area for their “restroom”.
Smoking is NOT permitted.
A note from the Community Manager
Much is going on at the community and we hope you notice just how hard the maintenance team is working for you. If you see Tino, Luis, or Jesse, please take a moment to thank them for all they do to keep things in order. They’re one of the hardest working teams I’ve ever seen. We’re genuinely fortunate to have them here at Surfside.
I would also like to recognize the Board for their diligence and hard work. Several Executive Session meetings have taken place in the first quarter (announced of course) in an effort to get some long awaited projects moving forward. We’ve been looking at options to reduce costs on the operating budget as well. More to come on that.
We’re “almost there” with the perimeter fence. Precision Painting is scheduled to be here May 9 to start painting. As part of that project they will also be touching up metal patio and balcony handrails. As we get closer, we will provide more information.
If you stop by during office hours and I’m not in, please feel free to wait in the clubhouse or call the office and leave a message that you need to see me. I walk the community frequently during the day but would like to make sure you receive the attention you deserve.
Owners, the next General Session meeting is April 25, 2022 at 7 pm. Hope to “see” you there! Please don’t forget to register as soon as you get the link if you plan on attending!
Warm Regards,
Dawn Cooper