March 2022 Newsletter

No Access through the Entry Gate Starting March 15

Starting Tuesday of next week and through Friday (weather permitting) there will be no access through the entry gate while the fence company removes and replaces the final portion of the perimeter fence. You will need to use the exit gate to enter the community during that time. Whether you’re entering or exiting, please take it slow and use caution because this isn’t a normal traffic pattern.

You may have noticed the old locks have been installed on the new fence. Rest assured this is only temporary!!

Precision Painting was awarded the fence painting contract and will be providing a start date soon and they’ve agreed to include repair and touch up of patio and balcony railings that need it.

Tino and I did our best to inspect from the ground however for those second and third floor metal railings, it would be great if you could take a moment to look for any damage or rust. If you see an issue, please let me know no later than March 21 so we can make sure we catch everything while the painters are here.

Why so many Meetings?

Because we have a lot to do and we’re trying to do it expeditiously Thanks for understanding!

Share Good Stuff

Recently I had the pleasure of meeting one of our newest residents born not long after mommy and daddy moved in. Thanks to Phil and Camille for sharing the joy a baby brings and welcome to little Wynn! If any other residents have good news to they would like to share, please do!!

Office will be Closed

California Association of Community Managers will be hosting their annual Law Seminar in Anaheim this year. Attendance is part of my continuing education for my certifications. The office will be closed on March 16 at 2 pm and reopen on March 21. I will have limited access to phone and emails but if you have an HOA related emergency, please call the hotline number.

What to do with Dog Doo

Luis had to remove several full bags of dog doo someone put in the recycle containers next to the mailboxes last week. Please be a responsible pet owner and properly dispose of the waste.


Its understandable that people who live in the townhome units may not use the door on the top floor so they’re unaware just how dirty they get. If you live in a townhome unit, please make it a point to check the door for cleanliness. This is the opportune time to clean them with all the sunny weather we’re having.

Doing construction in your home?

While it’s wonderful that you’d like to do improvements inside your home, your neighbors and/or the maintenance team should not be subjected to the mess. We’ve had several remodels since I started and a few carried the construction mess in to the hallway. This ends up tracking along walkways and into neighboring homes. If you’re considering a remodel. please make sure your contractor knows that any mess created in common area needs to be cleaned up before they leave for the day. If they don’t, the maintenance team will clean it and you will be charged for their time.

Parking Enforcement

Archon Protection has taken over parking enforcement and will be issuing citations for any vehicles parked on site during their routine visits if the car does not have some type of permit on it. If you receive one, please contact me for the best way to avoid getting another citation.

Community Living in a Snapshot

While the Board of Directors will be working on updating the rules to better fit the needs of the community, below are a few common courtesy issues and/or safety issues that have come up recently and most are parking related:

For obvious safety reasons, the vehicular exit gate is to be used ONLY as an exit gate! Accosting drivers who are exiting to allow access is dangerous and for a number of reasons. Further, tampering with the gate is strictly prohibited.

Another issue is not following the marked traffic patterns. Yellow arrows are painted on the roundabout parking for a reason. Please make sure you adhere to them even if it adds 3-5 seconds to your ability to park and/or leave. Because we take safety very seriously, all these WILL result in fines !

Please do not park in reserved spaces that aren’t assigned to your unit. Whether your neighbor is a “weekender” or “out of town”, without their express permission to park there, your vehicle CAN be towed and it will be at your expense. In most cases, it’s owner responsibility to complete minor plumbing repairs. If your shutoff under the fixture is not working properly and you need to shut off the main, it will affect your neighbors. Please make sure you notify everyone directly next to/above/below you at least 24 hours in advance for non-emergency repairs!

Doing some interior remodeling? Remember it is your responsibility to make sure the contractor cleans up any mess they make outside your front door before they leave for the day. Because this has been such an issue over the past several months, any mess left overnight will be cleaned by our on site maintenance team in the morning and you will be charged for it.

Flushable wipes are not flushable. If you use them, please do not flush them because even if they don’t clog your plumbing, it can and will cause and issue for your neighbors.

Now that sunny days are upon us, more people will be using their patios and balcony areas. As a gentle reminder, here are a few of the more common issues:

  1. Only furniture designed for outdoor use is permitted. Items such as coolers, folding “camping style” chairs, tables designed for indoor use, etc. should be promptly moved inside when you’re no longer on your patio/balcony.

  2. Storage of any kind is not permitted—mops and/or brooms, bicycles, fishing poles, empty planters to name just a few.

  3. Pets cannot be left outside when you’re not home to monitor them and at NO TIME are pets allowed to use the patio area for their “restroom”.

  4. Smoking is NOT permitted.

Please review the “Balcony Rules” in your Rules and Regs so that you are aware of ALL of the rules for the balconies and patios.

A note from the Community Manager

I would like to extend a sincere thank you to each of you who respond so quickly to my emails about minor homeowner issues found while I’m doing my site reviews. I’ve never been a fan of issuing violation for such small oversights. I appreciate your pride of ownership and being so quick to action! During my site reviews I also document things the HOA needs to address. More often than not, these things are given to the on site team to take care of. For budgetary purposes, we’re keeping track of exactly how incredible each of them are at saving the HOA money by having them here. Rather than stopping them with an issue, It’s incredibly important that you either email or call me with your concerns. They love being helpful but more often than not, they do have tasks to take care of. This is not saying your needs are not important. It’s saying we’d like to include it in showing all they get accomplished for us!

Owners, the next General Session meeting is March 28, 2022 at 7 pm. If you have something to bring before the Board, the agenda is finalized a week before the meeting so please contact me prior to that to make sure your concerns are addressed. Forget to contact me? Not to worry, we can always add to the following month. We will still host the meeting via Zoom this month but may discuss going back to in person meetings. Hope to “see” you there!

Warm Regards,
Dawn Cooper


April 2022 Newsletter


February 2022 Newsletter