February 2022 Newsletter

Garden areas outside your home

Thank you to Landscape committee members Lynn Buck and Katherine Moreton for their commitment to beautify our community with new designs/plantings. A majority of our landscaping has well outlived its life but for now, the focus is getting anything that may cause structural damage away from the buildings. This is going to be an ongoing process and being done on a priority basis. If you feel that something around your home needs attention, please email or call me and I will pass it on to the Landscape Committee. Any kind of modifications to common area planters is not allowed. This includes plantings, large rock borders, mulching etc. If you’ve done any of this, please remove it as soon as possible so I can avoid “those” I don’t like sending and you don’t like receiving.

The fun ‘Admin’ stuff

One of the technologies we’re taking a look at is the ability to track work orders and expenses in one place. Many of you know our maintenance team and communicate with them directly. For odd jobs after hours that’s ok but if it's HOA related-emergency or otherwise-please contact me instead so we can justify how hard the maintenance team works for all of us!

Resident website

Please be sure to check out the Surfside 1 resident website and provide your feedback. Have a rental unit or considering selling? Have some good news you’d like to share? This is YOUR website so please let us know what you’d like to see. This website is geared more for all our residents whereas the other site provides access to account and other information for owners only. You can put this link in to your URL and don’t forget to save it for ease of access in the future.


2022 Pool Passes Available

The pool passes for 2022 are ready for pick up and only a handful of you have stopped by. Even if you don’t intend to use it soon, this is truly the optimum time to pick it up. A reminder, because I’m not familiar with a lot of faces yet, please bring your photo ID and your 2021 pool pass with you.

Perimeter Fence

The perimeter fence project is well under way and painting should be starting some time in the next week or so. All new locks will be installed and your existing key should work. We're thinking ahead by purchasing locks/handles that will be compatible with the card reader system in the future.

EV Charging Stations are for EV Charging Only!!

In case you missed the email, the temporary overflow parking in EV charging stations was rescinded at the January meeting. All four overflow parking signs have been removed and non EV vehicles are no longer allowed to park in those spaces. Effective March 1, 2022, any vehicle that parks in any electric vehicle charging station space without charging an electric vehicle could result in $124.00 fine being imposed on your account.

Plumbers LOVE flushable wipes

Guess why?!? They really don’t flush all that well! With the age of our plumbing infrastructure here at Surfside, they become as problematic as paper towels or feminine hygiene products-both of which have been removed from the main line during recent back ups. Please do yourself, your neighbors and the HOA a huge favor and dispose of flushable wipes, feminine hygiene products and paper towels in the trash rather than the commode so we can avoid issues with the inconvenience of experiencing a back up or having to charge homeowners to clear the lines.

Community Living in a Snapshot

While the Board of Directors will be working on updating the rules to better fit the needs of the community, below are a few common courtesy issues and/or safety issues that have come up recently and most are parking related:

For obvious safety reasons, the vehicular exit gate is to be used ONLY as an exit gate! Accosting drivers who are exiting to allow access is dangerous and for a number of reasons. Further, tampering with the gate is strictly prohibited.

Another issue is not following the marked traffic patterns. Yellow arrows are painted on the roundabout parking for a reason. Please make sure you adhere to them even if it adds 3-5 seconds to your ability to park and/or leave. Because we take safety very seriously, all these WILL result in fines!

Please do not park in reserved spaces that aren’t assigned to your unit. Whether your neighbor is a “weekender” or “out of town”, without their express permission to park there, your vehicle CAN be towed and it will be at your expense.

In most cases, its owner responsibility to complete minor plumbing repairs. If your shutoff under the fixture is not working properly and you need to shut off the main, it will affect your neighbors. Please make sure you notify everyone directly next to/above/below you at least 24 hours in advance for non-emergency repairs!

Doing some interior remodeling? Remember it is your responsibility to make sure the contractor cleans up any mess they make outside your front door before they leave for the day.

Bike rack clean up - It appears some of the bikes stored in the racks may left behind by previous residents. We have a lot of bikes and very few responses so we’ve extended the deadline to the end for February Any “unclaimed” bikes will be removed and donated.

A note from the Community Manager

Can you believe it’s already February? Times flies when you’re having fun. Residents have been trickling in to check out the renovated clubhouse, pick up pool passes or just to say hi. Thank you! As the weather continues to improve, I look forward to seeing even more friendly faces. I don’t know about you but I’m really looking forward to seeing an actual smile rather than smiling eyes on February 16 when the county indoor mask mandate is scheduled to lift and align with state guidelines.

Tino, Luis and Jess are proving themselves invaluable and I’m so thankful they’re on the team. In the near future, we will be looking for additional support by hiring another full time maintenance person. A background in maintenance for the HOA, hospitality or related industry is a must. If you happen to know someone, please have them reach out to me.

Dianne is enjoying her retirement but we talk almost daily because she truly misses being here so I’m not sure how “retired” she is! If you’re still in communication with her, call her “The Queen of Kindness”. She will know where it came from.

Believe it or not, there are people who do not ascribe to the hoopla of Super Bowl Sunday. Please let this be a gentle reminder if your team is playing OR you’re just a fan of football, be mindful your neighbors may not be.

Owners, please mark your calendar for the next meeting on February 28, 2022. General Session will start at 7 pm. If you have something to bring before the Board, the agenda is finalized a week before the meeting so please contact me prior to that to make sure your concerns are addressed. Forget to contact me? Not to worry, we can always add to the following month. We appreciate those of you who take the time out to attend. We will still host the meeting via Zoom this month. Hope to “see” you there!

Warm Regards,
Dawn Cooper


March 2022 Newsletter


January 2022 Newsletter