August 2020 Newsletter

Standard On-Site Office Hours: CLOSED DUE TO COVID-19


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On Site

Next Board Meeting

August 24th @ 6:00 PM — Video Meeting.

Community Property Management


As we are sure you know, our usual very fun and informative “in person” annual meeting will not be able to  be held in person this year. Since it will be an online ZOOM meeting, as are the regular monthly meetings,  the board has chosen to hold it on the regularly scheduled meeting date for October, Monday the 26th. The  annual election meeting for owners is held to elect board members for the three (3) open board member  positions. You should have already received the nomination forms in the mail/email so if you have any  interest in becoming a part of the board of directors, please complete the form ASAP and send to CPM. The  date on the nomination form is incorrect for the Annual Meeting but the nomination forms do need to be  returned by August 20th! We look forward to hearing from anyone who is interested in volunteering to help  continue to keep SS1 a beautiful and “up and coming” place to live.  


Per the last couple of newsletters, due to many residents being home on a regular basis because of the  restrictions to “work from home” plus other various reasons, there are more vehicles than usual parked inside  our community. After reaching out to the homeowners whose condo is a 2nd home for them, several owners  have offered their reserved parking space to a nearby neighbor of theirs for when they aren’t at their condo!  This has already been an immense help to the limited parking issues. We could still use more available  spaces, however, to help us get through this very unique time. If you only visit your condo occasionally or  even if it’s just on weekends, please notify the office if you are willing to allow someone else to use your space  when you aren’t there. The more of the reserved spaces that are being used overnight, the more visitor spaces  will be available for resident’s additional vehicles or guests. Please remember that each condo only comes  with ONE guaranteed space (your covered space) and all visitor spaces are on a “first come, first serve”  basis but hopefully most of you are already seeing a difference in the parking issues due to our very generous  owners who are sharing their parking spaces. Thank you to all of you who have offered your spaces! And  a reminder to all of those who live here and are parking inside the complex overnight, be sure that one vehicle  is in your reserved space overnight. Also, all vehicles in guest parking must be moved at least every 96 hours  to show that they are operational and not abandoned and they cannot be “backed in” while in visitor spaces.  


Per prior newsletters, Dianne and the Board President Lynn, attend a weekly COVID-19 HOA online webinar  to see where Ventura county and most other Southern California HOA’s are with opening HOA amenities. Of  course SS1 (and the other HOA’s involved in the Webinars) would love to be able to safely reopen the pools and Jacuzzi’s but during this rare time with the virus, it is still not safe to do this. The Board of Directors and  our staff continue to take this COVID-19 virus very seriously and we are doing everything possible to help

keep our residents and ourselves safe. The Ventura County restrictions and requirements for opening any of  the amenities have not changed in the last few months and it would be much too costly and time consuming  to implement all of their requirements. If everyone does their part to help “stop the spread” so that the  requirements are loosened up, the board can reconsider opening the amenities at that time but it will more  than likely not be any time soon. Dianne will continue to work from home until further notice so please email  or call the office if you need anything “office related” so that she can get back to you (email is better if you  need a quicker response). She does go into the office for a few hours one day per week so if you need a gate  card or clicker, update your phone info for the gate system, register a guest or new tenant, etc., please let her  know. The maintenance staff and all HOA vendors will continue to work safely by wearing masks and keeping  a social distance from others. Our staff will not be entering ANY condos for maintenance unless it’s an  emergency; then they will use all safe practices to keep themselves and the residents safe. It is everyone’s own  personal responsibility to take care of their own health and safety in an HOA. Due to CDC, State and  Ventura County recommendations, we ask that you please continue to social distance and wear a face  covering whenever possible while you are walking on the property in case you run into others who are out walking. SS1 is complying with all State, County and City mandates and HOA legal guidelines for limiting the  spread of the virus so that we can try to get through this crazy time as safely as possible. Please be patient  and we’ll get through this together. In the meantime, we hope you all stay safe and healthy! We will always continue to update you with any changes (by email and postings on the Bulletin Board) so there is no need to  contact the office to ask about the availability of the amenities. Whenever the state and county approve safe  reopening of these amenities with limited restrictions that the HOA can easily follow, we will notify all  residents and owners.  


Per prior newsletters, due to the current safety restrictions, SS1 has put the termite inspection project on  hold until all restrictions have been lifted UNLESS you are comfortable with having them safely enter your  unit. Termite inspections and treatment are considered an ESSENTIAL BUSINESS due to the damage  termites can do if left untreated, but at this point we are leaving it up to the individual resident if they are  okay with them entering your condo. We really want to keep on top of any termite issues or damage and the  longer we wait, the more damage can happen so PLEASE consider allowing them to enter. Whether your unit  is empty while you are at work or because your home is a 2nd home, we would like to move forward with  inspections and treatments. Allguard employees follow all safety practices and the treatments they use are  totally safe for humans and pets; you do not need to leave your condo unless you want to and they are  typically there only 10-20 minutes. We would really like to get this project completed so if you are okay with  Allguard Termite Company inspecting your unit and treating it IF they find evidence of termites, please email  Dianne so they can schedule several condos at one time. 


We want to thank all of you for your cooperation and patience while many important HOA projects are going  on, which we know are sometimes disruptive. All of these projects are very important, especially but not  limited to the many walkway structural beams that are being replaced. Once they are replaced by the  contractors, then the HOA staff is following up with the railing pickets and painting of the beams and pickets.  The next major project will be the demolition of the carports that need to be removed but you will receive  notice way ahead of that project so that you will know where to park while your carport is being removed.  


Since we have many new residents living at SS1, here are just a few reminders for your patios and balconies.  Only professional outdoor patio furniture is allowed so please do not use your indoor chairs, tables, etc.  unless it’s just for the time you plan to be on your patio/balcony. If you use a patio umbrella, please bring it  inside (or lay it down on the patio) once you are done using it, along with ice chests, folding chairs, etc. You  can store up to two surfboards but they must be laying down across the balcony so as not to block the view of  your neighbors. Bicycles are not allowed on patios/balconies at any time. All planters must be kept on risers  so that they are not sitting directly on the wood deck (but plants must not block neighbors views). No brooms,  mops, cleaning supplies, fertilizer, etc. can be stored there either. Basically, if it’s not listed as an “approved”  item, it is not allowed.

Please refer to the “Balcony Rules” in your Rules and Regs so that you are aware  of ALL of the rules for the balconies and patios. Also, it’s imperative that all owners refer to the BALCONY MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS as it is your responsibility to maintain your own balcony  deck and report any concerns with your balcony railings to the office. It’s much easier for the  maintenance staff to repair balcony railings than have to replace them if you catch termite damage or dry rot early.  



September 2020 Newsletter


July 2020 Newsletter