February 2023 Newsletter
Welcome Concord Consulting - our new financial management group
Start date was February 1 however it will take at minimum most of the month of February to fully transition. Owners should have received two sets of documents In January. An introduction letter was sent to owners via email and payment set up was sent via USPS. If you haven’t received them, please contact Monica Pena with Concord Consulting and she will be happy to assist. Her phone number is 805-445-1040 x 107 and her email is monicap@concordconsulting.net
If you're setting up “bill payment” through your bank or you mail paper checks, the remittance address is:
Concord Consulting & Association Svc, Inc
Bank Remittance Processing P.O. Box 60035, Los Angeles, CA 90060-0035
Checks payable to Surfside Association and don’t forget to include your account number on the memo line of your check.
Electronic Access to Your Account
The online portal to your account will go live soon. Watch your email for an invitation. Once received you will need to go to Comwebportal.com and sign up for online owner access to view your account, access community documents, etc.
If you don’t receive the invitation, please contact Monica at Concord Consulting to update your email address.
Parking permits & pool passes
It’s fun to stroll the parking area and see so many of the hang tags in use already but we still have quite a few that haven’t been picked up yet. Please stop by at your earliest convenience to do so because April 1 when they will be required is quickly approaching. Reminder that only owners or owners agents are able to pick them up. I will be in the office on Saturday February 18 from 9 to noon for those who can’t make it during normal business hours.
Selling or renting your unit?
Did you know you have the ability to advertise your unit for sale or rent on the Surfside website FOR FREE?
Because it’s a public website, meaning anyone can view it, so people who don’t live here can see it. All you have to do is follow the resident website link above. Once there, go to Surfside 1 on the menu bar and choose Available Units from the drop down menu. Click on the Contact us button to have it added. Yes! It is literally that easy! This is strictly and only for units here in our community but please feel free to share with your rental agent or realtor if you have one. What better way to help choose your neighbors?
Election meeting February 27
We held the Annual Membership Meeting on schedule, however the 2022 Election meeting was rescheduled due to timing required when we changed the Election Rules to allow Election by Acclimation. There will be no General Session to follow however the Board will convene in Executive Session at 5 pm. Only one seat was available and only Sharyn Field submitted a nomination application, therefore we will be able to take advantage of the cost and time saving by avoiding the ballot mailing and counting requirements. The Board will convene in Executive Session prior to the Election meeting but there will be no General Session Meeting until March.
Be heard! Take the survey
The city of Port Hueneme is doing a survey regarding broadband services in our area and would love to hear your thoughts. In case you missed it, here’s the link: Port Hueneme City Broadband Internet Survey
Entry gate closure March 25
City of Port Hueneme 75th Anniversary Parade and Street Fair is on March 25. As with any city functions that take place on Surfside Drive, the entry gate will be closed so residents and guests will need to use the exit gate to enter. Please use caution entering and leaving the community since this will be against normal traffic patterns. Notices will be sent closer to the event date.
Reminder that agreeing to receive mailings electronically saves time and money on copy and mailing expenses. We encourage you to verify your email address with Concord and agree to continue receiving this and other important HOA mailings by email
Rules update coming soon
While there have been revision or additions over the years, the Rules and Regulations have not had a full update since 2007. Over the course of the next several months, the Board will be reviewing to clear ambiguities and/or update the rules that may not work for the community any longer. As required by Civil Code, once the Board approves a final draft, it will be sent to the membership for comments. More to follow…
Community Living in a Snapshot
This is not an all inclusive list of the Rules and Regulations but it includes the most common issues management has to address.
For obvious safety reasons, the vehicular exit gate is to be used ONLY as an exit gate unless it’s been marked for entry/exit by the on site team. Please follow marked traffic patterns. Yellow arrows are painted on the roundabout parking for a reason. Please make sure you adhere to them even if it adds 3-5 seconds to your ability to park and/or leave. Because we take safety very seriously, all these WILL result in fines.
BEFORE you start any renovations in your unit, please contact the office for guidance on what requires approval.
Video doorbell products are quite popular. You can mount them on your screen or front door but they cannot be installed on the stucco.
If you live in a two bedroom unit, it may be a good idea to check the door on the top floor from time to time Make sure it’s clean and the hardware is functioning. During a recent walk through, some of the knobs and deadbolts appeared rusted shut. Because it’s a way for you to get out in the event of a fire, it’s important they work properly.
In most cases, it’s owner responsibility to complete minor plumbing repairs. If your shutoff under the fixture is not working properly and you need to shut off the main, it will affect your neighbors. Please make sure you notify everyone directly next to/above/below you at least 24 hours in advance for non-emergency repairs!
Flushable wipes are not flushable. If you use them, please do not flush them because even if they don’t clog your plumbing, it can and will cause and issue for your neighbors.
Pool and spa area:
Don’t eat food while IN the pool or spa
Persons who wear diapers must wear swim diapers
Tampering with safety equipment-emergency shut off for the spa, life rings or hooks-is also prohibited.
If you bring “music” to the pool, remember you need personal listening devices.
Only four guest per household is allowed.
Please don’t put the Board in the position that they are forced to revoke your privilege to use the pool/spa.
Patios and balconies:
Only furniture designed for outdoor use is permitted. Items such as coolers, folding “camping or beach style” chairs, tables designed for indoor use, etc. should be promptly moved inside when you’re no longer on your patio or balcony.
Storage of any kind is not permitted—mops and/or brooms, bicycles, fishing poles, empty planters to name just a few.
Pets cannot be left outside when you’re not home to monitor them and at NO TIME are pets allowed to use the patio area for their “restroom”.
Smoking is NOT permitted on patios or balconies.
Please do not hang anything over the patio or balcony railing to dry!
If you have an umbrella on your patio, please remember to put it down or store it out of view when it’s not in use.
Mops and brooms should never be left on the
patio or balcony.
Hose bibs in common area are not for use by residents. Most of the planters have been changed to a drip system which means less water waste because it’s being delivered directly to the plant. If the area around your home appears dry, please contact us so we can have the landscapers take a look at the irrigation.
Speaking of planters, please do not leave any personal items (potted plants, décor, hoses, etc.) in the planted areas outside your home. Planting or removing plants in common area is prohibited. If it needs attention, reach out to me.
Considering cleaning your balcony? Please sweep and mop the area rather than dumping buckets of water on it. The neighbors below you will certainly appreciate not having dirty water invade their patio or bedroom window.
One of the largest grassy areas the community has is along Ventura Road. While socializing of residents and their pets is certainly welcome, please be mindful of the residents who live in the building by doing your best to keep barking to a minimum.
If it’s been a while since you cleaned your dryer vent line, please consider doing so. This is one of the most common factors for fires.
Please be mindful when parking. If you pull in too close to a white line, it doesn’t allow enough space for your parking neighbor to get in or out of their vehicle without some serious effort to risk damaging both vehicles. Not to mention parking is at a premium and it could make a space unusable.
Trash should NEVER be left outside your front door as it attracts critters and pests to the buildings. When you’re ready to remove trash from your home, please take it to and place inside the appropriate receptacle.
A note from the Community Manager
February started out with love and loss for me. I’m so thankful for the support and compassion I’ve received while I’m still struggling with the loss.
We’re still really busy making changes that will better improve the level of service we can provide to you, the owners and residents of our lovely community. This all on top of trying to guide us through some rather large projects we’re anticipating in 2023-the biggest-the carports and yes those are still in the works!
If you have any suggestions on what we can do to improve your living experience here, please don’t hesitate to send me an email, call, or even better, stop by for a visit.
Finally, I’d like to share a quote that always reminds me to be grateful for every breath I’m given regardless of how hectic “life” may be..
Enjoy the little things for one day you may look back and realize they were big things.
Warm Regards, Dawn